Official site
Airport of Trapani-Birgi Vincenzo Florio

Checks and reliefs on administration

The National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC) – considering it appropriate to carry out a monitoring activity on compliance with the obligations of publicity and transparency set forth in Legislative Decree No. 33/2013, as amended by Legislative Decree No. 97/2016, from part of public administrations and managers of public services – has entrusted, in the context of public administrations to independent assessment bodies (OIV) and in bodies not equipped with OIV to the body having similar functions or in the absence to…

Acts of concession

YEAR 2020 DATA BENEFICIARIO OGGETTO/PROTOCOLLO IMPORTO 03/12/2020 Associazione ONLUS “Trapani per il terzo mondo” “Un dolce Natale per i bambini del Madagascar” € 1.020 YEAR 2019 DATA BENEFICIARIO OGGETTO/PROTOCOLLO IMPORTO 10/12/2019 Associazione ONLUS “Trapani per il terzo mondo” “Un dolce Natale per i bambini del Madagascar” € 1.020 YEAR 2018 DATA BENEFICIARIO OGGETTO/PROTOCOLLO IMPORTO 05/12/2018 Associazione ONLUS “Trapani per il terzo mondo” “Un dolce Natale per i bambini del Madagascar” € 1.200 YEAR 2017 DATA BENEFICIARIO OGGETTO/PROTOCOLLO IMPORTO 01/12/2017 Associazione…

under construction

LINEE GUIDA MIT ENAC_Indicazioni_operative_nuove_rotte_Nov14 Parere-A.R.T. n.-1-2014-Linee-Guida-Mit-aiuti-di-Stato-aeroporti-e-compagnie-aeree…